加藤 扶美 (博士)
- 神奈川大学理学部
- 应用生物科学神奈川大学理学部応用生物科学科卒業(理学士)
- 东京大学大学院 农学生命科学研究科 水系生物科学专业 博士(农学)
- 吉備国际大学大学院 知识产权学研究科 硕士(知识产权学)
- Fumi Katoh, The high standard for remedy of rights at the JPO likely liberalized by recent patent law amendments, The Patent Lawyer, Issue 56 p.75-78 (2020).
- Fumi Katoh, Studies on product-by-process claims in biotechnology field, 知的財産学の世界 (Kibi International University, Graduate School of Intellectual Property Studies) (2020).
- Fumi Katoh, Regina F. Cozzi, William S. Marshall and Greg G. Goss, Distinct Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter localization in kidneys and gills of two euryhaline species, rainbow trout and killifish Cell and Tissue Research 334(2): 265-281 (2008).
- Fumi Katoh, Martin Tresgurres, Kyung Mi Lee, Toyoji Kaneko, Katsumi Aida and Greg G. Goss, Cloning and characterization of rainbow trout SLC26 A1 expressed in the first segment of renal proximal tubule American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 290: R1468-R1478 (2006).
- Fumi Katoh and Toyoji Kaneko, Short-term transformation and long-term replacement of branchial chloride cells in killifish transferred from seawater to freshwater, revealed by morphofunctional observations and a newly established ‘time-differential double fluorescent staining’ technique The Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (22): 4113-4123 (2003).
- Fumi Katoh, Susumu Hyodo and Toyoji Kaneko, Vacuolar-type proton pump in the basolateral plasma membrane energizes ion uptake in branchial mitochondria-rich cells of killifish Fundulus heteroclitus, adapted to a low ion environment The Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (5): 793-803 (2002).
- Fumi Katoh, Sanae Hasegawa, Jun Kita, Yasuaki Takagi and Toyoji Kaneko, Distinct seawater and freshwater types of chloride cells in killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (5): 822-829 (2001).
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- 日本知财学会
- 日本知的财产翻译协会
- 知的财产管理技能士协会