田宮 徹
遗传及基因组动力学, 结构生物化学, 分子生物学, 进化生物学
- 上智大学科学与工程系,获学士学位
- 上智大学科学与工程部研究生院,获硕士及博士学位
- Molecular biology of sea-snake toxins: cloning, expression of cDNAs and analysis of gene organization, In Sea snake toxinology, Gopalakrishnakone, P. ed., pp 66-92, Singapore University Press, Singapore.
- Gene structure of the snake-short chain neurotoxin precursor. In Recent Advances in Toxinology Research, Volume 1 P. Goparakrishnakone and C. K. Tan eds. pp182-195, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Cloning and expression of cDNAs encoding snake Toxins, In Snake toxins, A. Harvey ed. pp385-414, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
- Postsynaptically-acting toxins and proteins with phospholipase structure from snake venoms: Complete amino acid sequence deduced from cDNAs and production of a toxin with staphylococcal protein A gene fusion vector, In Natural toxins, C.L Ownby and G.V. Odell eds. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
- Translation of poly(A+) mRNAs and expression of cDNAs encoding sea snake neurotoxins, Proceedings of the 7th European Symposium on animal, plant and microbial toxins.
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