Hiroshi ARAI


Technical Translator

After working for a major translation agency as salesperson and checker in patent translation section, Hiroshi Arai worked for a major patent office as patent translator (English & German to Japanese, chemical section), and as patent engineer for about 10 years.


Organic Chemistry (esp. polymer, liquid crystal), Inorganic Chemistry (esp. metal, glass, material, catalyst)


  • BA, Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Society and Industry), The Open University of Japan
  • MA, German Literature, Tokyo Metoropolitan University
  • BA, Fuculty of German studies, Tokyo University of foreign Studies


  • Hiroshi Arai, 'Provisions for Japanese-notation in official texts and laws'for more normative translation and expression, 2022, Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Journal, NIPTA, Vol.208, 14-17
  • Hiroshi Arai, 10 publications to improve IP literacy for translators, 2022, Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Journal, Vol. 205, 17-19
  • Hiroshi Arai, Post-editing DeepL translation of the examination for English-Japanese translation (Level 1, Chemistry) of the Intellectual Property Translation Test, Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Journal (NIPTA)(2021).
  • Hiroshi Arai, Human translation vs. Google translation - Case Study of Range of Acceptable Translation and Appropriate Translation in relation to Post Editing, Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Journal (NIPTA)(2020).


  • Japanese(native)
  • English
  • German


  • Intellectual Property Translation Proficiency Examination, Grade 1 (English to Japanese, Chemistry) (2010)
  • 2nd Grade Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Management (administration) (2011)
  • English Technical Writing Test, Grade 2 (2012)
  • Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (2019)
